As I’ve already mentioned in one of my previous blogs, there’s only one thing sexier than a man on a Harley: a woman on a Harley. Let’s be honest, a chick that rides a bike automatically scores at least 5.6 additional sexy points. Biker girls are sexy, confident, and they know exactly what kind of a man they want by their side.
Just to be clear, you can’t really know what each biker chick wants, nor can you have a perfect recipe that works for all of them. They are strong individuals, each of them is a masterpiece on its own, and they aren’t afraid to let their amazing personalities shine through. If you want to date a biker girl, it’s your job to capture that personality, acknowledge it, and follow up with your own amazing self.
Although there is no universal recipe for attracting and keeping the right biker girl, there are certain factors all of them look for in a man, so let’s check what you should, or shouldn’t do.
Biker girls like men who stay the hell out of their own comfort zone
Don’t expect the perfect biker gal to just come knocking at your door. Take action, get out there and find your perfect woman. You wouldn’t believe how many men find this intimidating. It’s completely understandable you’d rather sit in front of your pc and look at hot biker girls’ photos, but you do realize it’s impossible to materialize the photo and make the girl fall into your lap.
Biker girls don’t like passive guys. They are filled with passion, they want excitement. They want to be swept off their feet by strong, confident men who know what they want and who aren’t afraid to get out there and get it. Don’t wait for her to seduce you – let her know how much you like her, show that sexy, strong, masculine personality of yours.
Biker girls like men who don’t pretend to be something they’re not
Probably the most important factor of all: STAY REAL! Always be yourself around biker girls. Don’t pretend you’re something you think she would like you to be. Don’t do that. She’ll see right through you, I promise you this.
If you have your hopes up high about a certain biker woman you really like, the only way to get her to like you back is to be yourself. What’s the point in pretending to be someone you’re not? What are you going to do if, by some chance, this hot chick falls for the persona you’re acting to be? Do you plan on acting forever? Didn’t think so.
One of the best things about biker girls is that they don’t play make believe. They are comfortable in their own skin, they are open-minded, and they want a man who is just like them. These women are authentic, and they won’t appreciate you unless you are, too. Everyone has flaws, so accept yourself for what you really are, and go for it!
Biker girls like men who enjoy life
You shouldn’t expect a biker girl to come into your life and make it exciting, especially if you don’t feel good about yourself. Believe it or not, you can have an amazing life without a woman by your side. If you feel miserable, and have nothing going on, chances are you won’t stand a chance with a biker girl. What is she supposed to do with you? She doesn’t exist to animate you, you know.
Get out there and start living your life, do the things you enjoy doing, go on trips you dream about, motivate yourself to finally start living the life you’ve always wanted. Once this happens, and once you start feeling good about your life, guess what? The perfect woman, the sexy biker vixen is going to feel attracted to you – because they love a man who knows how to have fun; because they love a man who isn’t afraid to live his life to the fullest; because they love a man who appreciates each day. Living a life that’s filled with success, laughter, fun and enthusiasm is going to attract a wide range of biker girls, so what are you waiting for?
Photo by Bruno_Caimi